Friday, September 10, 2010


didn't get nearly everything accomplished yesterday that i wanted to...
i HAVE to paint, and i just can't seem to talk myself into it... up and down a ladder just isn't my idea of a fun time.
today's goal, was to call the NC State Department of Commerce, and get a NC tax id number.
THAT i accomplished.  Next step is a Certificate of Assumed Name (DBA)
i'm awaiting on a return phone call from the Town of Coats Planning Supervisor, to let me know if i can use my house or not
if not, it's back to the search for a building
i know, it's only september but time flies when you're planning!
i am working on ebay today, and
work should take my mind off the waiting and wondering...
i am also trying to find SOMEONE to give me a quote so i can get my next tattoo next week!
(fingers are crossed)