Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

bad bobbi!

ive been neglecting this again, but im rearranging some things in life...
downsizing with the animals, ive actually found someone to take them all
{insert yay me}
so that will give me more space next to my room to make that part of my office...
im workin on learning how to change the stores main picture...{insert ewww}
but ive asked to be scheduled more 2-11's at the store or even 3-11's, so i can build my store
i got 5 days off in june to go back for graduation, im glad bc i need to shop and buy some
clothes for the store!
i wish i could get a loan, bc there is a consignment shop for sale in lillington id love to make into
my actual for myself {insert lazy sigh}, be my own boss {insert scary shudder}
now if i could fix my personal life...
well til next time...