Wednesday, July 28, 2010

do you have the time?

check this out!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the cutest "downloads"


  • It takes a minute to have a crush on
  •  someone, an hour to like someone and a day
  •  to love someone - but it takes a lifetime
  • to forget someone

Saturday, July 24, 2010

new listings

yay me, i have almost all the books listed
im up to like 64 listings...
i made the perfect business cards, it took me FOREVER!
but theyre awesome!
off to the "day job" now but i am going to work on more
listings tonight and tomorrow
i am off monday but i have to clean and get ready for my NY trip
have a great day and happy vintagejunk hunting!

check out her store!


Friday, July 23, 2010

whoooo whoooo

i love owls... these are most cute!

it's going to the dogs...

pears, yum...i mean pretty

idea! idea! idea!

Not that I ever plan on being hitched, but inspiration hits me in the weirdest ways and at the oddest times... But here is a cute cute cute little idea for someone, I am sure it's different....

thought for today

what do you think would happen if we stopped and talked to a random stranger? stop looking through people, and just see them?
be someone's friend, instead of judging someone you don't know?

"how cute am i?"

"wont you be my friend?"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Junk

Hi there
I just updated the (about us) section on
Felt it only fair to change I and Me to US!
I took a couple days break from being online 24/7 to read and relax
I am thinking tonight, I may list again
Then, I need to really look into business cards
Promotional flyers, something
I don't know that word of mouth is enough
I have twitter, fb and myspace but, I
need MORE!
Will keep you updated!
Off to the day job now, happy junk trails

Monday, July 19, 2010

cute little lunch...bags? pouches?

new listings...

I have been "listing" for 2 days...I so need to step it up
Then I need need need business cards!
Got to get the word out that WE are open for business!
"come browse"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

i love monsters!

found these on etsy, arent they adorable?


i have sooo many ideas for new crafts...
i need to get busy!

Friday, July 16, 2010


do y'all twitter?
i am an addict
i started it for the store but i
twitter everything
well, almost everything
i upload random pictures
i twitter about music, life, all kinds
of JUNK!
(i hope that works)

blah friday

blanket making today...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


much as i love vintagejunk....

i wanna be a baker....

i love vintage

i love all the "vintage junk" on etsy!