Friday, November 13, 2009


sigh, the end of a long week is finally here....
im hopeful that i can get a lot of store stuff done
and ebay stuff too...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


i LOVE LOVE LOVE this guy....
Shawn Randolph "Randy" Houser
December 18, 1975
Lake, Mississippi

i finally figured out how to upload pictures
three items listed...

Friday, November 6, 2009

working, working, working

i work for wm, and my store is undergoing a remodel
{run!}we are about done, wednesday is our "grand
now im focusing on my store[s]
i finally got verified with paypal
so i can accept payment on all three!
im working on ebay today, listing the big box of books
tomorrow will be the store {vjfm} part of it
the weather is supposed to be nice {keep
in mind this is upstate NY}
so i should get some great picts!